Sunday, November 30, 2008

iPhone accessories: Bluetooth wireless iPhone keyboard


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iphone-keyboard-portable-gadget iPhone accessories: Bluetooth wireless iPhone keyboard

Have you found typing on the iphone difficult? Ever thought something could be done about it, apart from slimming down so that your fat fingers can shrink abit (I have!). With iPhone's tiny touchscreen keypad, it makes typing emails or messages extremely hard and time consuming. This deivce called the BTleyMini, has been designed to solve the above problem.

The BTKeyMini is a bluethooth keyboard which is designed for iPhone and iPod Touch. Using your iPhone's bluetooth connection, you can sync the keyboard shown above with your iPhone thus no wire is required. There is also a flap on the keyboard which is presumably there to hold the iPhone in place.

Although the BTleyMini sounds promising and convenient for texts and emails. I don't think there are that many people that type so much on the iPhone to the extent that they would want to carry a separate keyboard along with the iPhone. Some businessmen might do but then most of them also have laptops and netbooks these days.

[via Coolest Gadgets]

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iPhone accessories: Bluetooth wireless iPhone keyboard

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